BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT – Meet our Secretary, Jodi Stende! 
Jodi Stende has been serving on the NDAC board of directors since 2017 and currently holds the position of board secretary. Jodi and her husband of 29 years have made the Fargo area their home where they raised 3 children who all graduated from West Fargo High School – go Packers!
Jodi brings a wealth of learning and development expertise and loves to help create environments where all people can best learn and grow. In addition to volunteering for the NDAC board, Jodi also serves as the VP of Finance for the North Dakota Association for Talent Development board of directors. In her free time Jodi loves to travel, cheer on the NDSU football and basketball teams, and continue learning about all things fireworks.
Thank you for all you do for NDAC, Jodi!